3 Nov

Sign the pledge to end violence against women

#EndVAW - #MeToo - #ihavesignedthepledge - #Ihave - #EndViolenceagainstWomen - #PSICongress2017

Sign the pledge

It has come to our attention that affiliates have been receiving fake e-mails. Please note that official PSI e-mails end with the @world-psi.org domain.

Category: RadioLabour

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RadioLabour World Report for the week October 30 to November 3

November 6, 2017 by admin

The RadioLabour World Report for the week October 30 to November 3 is now available. * PSI Congress shows how public services can be saved and bettered * US labour calls for a Global Pact for Migrants * The LabourStart Report about union events around the world The World Report is available here: www.radiolabour.net/rl-world-031117.html

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