At a glance
PSI is a global trade union federation dedicated to promoting quality public services in every part of the world. Our members, two-thirds of whom are women, work in social services, health care, municipal and community services, central government, and public utilities such as water and electricity.
Public Services International brings together more than 20 million workers, represented by over 700 unions in 154 countries and territories. PSI champions human rights, advocates for social justice and promotes universal access to quality public services. PSI works with the United Nations system and in partnership with labour, civil society and other organisations.
The trade union movement is by far the largest democratic movement in the world. PSI is the acknowledged representative of public sector workers within this movement. We want to join our voice with yours at local level, and to join yours with ours at the international level.
PSI video series – One Day.
One of the key demands of PSI’s 2017 Congress is to ensure that our affiliates and the workers they represent are on show; their victories celebrated, their struggles recognized and their stories shared.
To achieve this, PSI Communications has decided to create a series of video-profiles; short 10-15 minute documentaries on the fight for quality public services across the world. The videos will be made available to congress attendees through viewing booths and regular screenings as well as uploaded to the internet through an interactive ‘around the world’ series to ensure all our members have access to these stories and are able to see their involvement in the wider movement.
Got questions?
For all media questions, please contact Marcelo:
Marcelo Netto
+33 450 40 11 68
To obtain more information about Public Services International, visit our website:
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